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About Us
About Us
About Us
About Us
About Us

About Us

Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN), located in New Delhi, India, works for the recognition, defence, promotion, and realization of the human rights to adequate housing and land, which involve gaining a safe and secure place for all individuals and communities, especially marginalized communities, to live in peace and dignity. Registered as an independent Indian charitable trust, HLRN works on research, education, and advocacy related to housing and land rights. A particular focus of our work is on promoting and protecting the equal rights of women to adequate housing, land, property, and inheritance. We aim to achieve our goals through advocacy, research, human rights education, and network-building at local, national, and international levels. 

Goals and Objectives

HLRN's objective is to promote economic, social, and cultural rights, especially for the most marginalized and discriminated groups and communities. Specifically, our work focuses on the practical application of the human right to adequate housing (HRAH), as a legal framework articulated in international and, where applicable, domestic law. We are also involved in efforts to promote and gain legal recognition of the right to land as a human right.


  • To create a network of individuals and organizations working to uphold housing and land rights.
  • To act as a network for the recognition, defence, and full implementation of the right of everyone to a secure place in which to live in peace and dignity.
  • To enhance knowledge and action toward practical realization of human dignity of those suffering deprivation, by means of advancing respect, protection, promotion and fulfillment of universal human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights, including the human right to adequate housing and its constituent entitlements. These include security of land tenure; habitability; access to clean water; access to land; access to housing finance; a safe and healthy environment;democratic participation; self-expression; and other related and complementary elements.

Our work is directed to meeting our commitment to communities struggling to secure housing and land, and improve their well-being and living conditions as a human right. In this regard, HLRN seeks to:

  • Advocate the recognition, defence and full implementation of everyone's right everywhere to a secure place to live in peace and dignity;
  • Promote public awareness about human settlement problems and needs locally, nationally, and globally;
  • Defend the human rights of the urban and rural poor, displaced persons, and homeless, landless, and inadequately-housed individuals and groups; and,
  • Maintain a progressive platform for formulating common strategies.

Building Relationships

Housing and Land Rights Network is committed to the human rights approach to human development. In this regard, it also plays a network-building role, mainstreaming the human rights to adequate housing and land at various levels. As a strategic principle, HLRN also maintains productive relationships with other networks and coalitions, joining forces and pooling resources in the pursuit of common human rights values and goals.


Executive Director: Enakshi Ganguly

Programme Team:  Aditi Singh, Aishwarya Ayushmaan, Anagha Jaipal, Israr Khan, Mansoor Khan, Nivea Jain, Shanta Devi, Shravani Bolage, Suman Kumari, Geetha Nambisan (Consultant), Urmi Chudgar (Consultant)

Finance and Administration Team: R.K. Sharda, R.R. Choudhary, Rohit Verma, Gopal Ram

Founder: Miloon Kothari

Activity Reports